Ep 38 - Not Dead Yet! - November 2017

Ep 38: Rose City Comic Con, It, Logan Lucky and More
Kris McClanahan and Thom Chiaramonte

We are back with this episode from the depths of our underwater vault in the black seas of geekdom! Kris and Thom give their review and thoughts on Rose City Comic Con, Logan Lucky, IT, Inktober and a whole pile of other geeky goodness! 

This is an older episode I'm finally getting edited - I'm still on hiatus, but expect more content from Thom and some awesome guest hosts soon!

ROBOT KRAKEN is a MONTHLY podcast by two indie artists, Kristopher McClanahan of Deeply Dapper and Thom Chiaramonte of the Third Rail Design Lab. We get together and talk about comics, movies, working the table at comic cons, life in this nerdy wonderland, and whatever mumblings from the deep we come across. You can find out more about us, contact us or follow along our journey at robot-kraken.com


iTunes - http://bit.ly/RoboApple
Stream & Download - http://bit.ly/RoboDapper