Ep 026 - Pizza For All The Dinners - Rose City Comic Con 2016 Con Report!

Ep 26 - Con Report - Rose City Comic Con 2016
Kris McClanahan and Thom Chiaramonte

Episode 25! In a groundbreaking feat of eclectic electronical engineering and magic, Thom and Kris appear in the same place at the same time in a hotel in Portland Oregon to discuss their experience at the ROSE CITY COMIC CON! 

For our photos from the show, visit ROBOT-KRAKEN.COM!

ROBOT KRAKEN is a semi regular podcast by two indie artists, Kristopher McClanahan of Deeply Dapper and Thom Chiaramonte of the Third Rail Design Lab. We get together and talk about comics, movies, working the table at comic cons, life in this nerdy wonderland, and whatever mumblings from the deep we come across. You can find out more about us, contact us or follow along our journey atrobot-kraken.com

iTunes - http://bit.ly/RoboApple
Stream & Download - http://bit.ly/RoboDapper