Ep 67: This is Fine - May 2020

Ep 67: This is Fine - May 2020
Kris McClanahan and Thom Chiaramonte

Robot-Kraken Episode 067- May 2020 “This is Fine“ 

Your intrepid hosts this episode, Thom ‘Third Rail’ Chiaramonte and Blake ‘Begin Again’ Simmons, talk entertainment news, Watchmen S01, and the first of our four-part series on Westworld Season 03, featuring Episodes 01 and 02. Show notes available here!

NOTE: Make sure you are set to download this podcast regularly. Apple iTunes users will discover the app tends to stall downloads if you either haven’t listened in awhile or we haven’t posted a show in a few weeks. Don’t have that FOMO… make yours RK!

ROBOT KRAKEN is a MONTHLY podcast by two indie artists, Kristopher McClanahan of Deeply Dapper and Thom Chiaramonte of the Third Rail Design Lab. We get together and talk about comics, movies, working the table at comic cons, life in this nerdy wonderland, and whatever mumblings from the deep we come across. You can find out more about us, contact us or follow along our journey at robot-kraken.com

iTunes - http://bit.ly/RoboApple

Stream & Download - http://bit.ly/RoboDapper