Ep 61: The Movie WAS the Crime - July 2019

Ep 61: The Movie WAS the Crime - July 2019
Kris McClanahan and Thom Chiaramonte

Robot-Kraken Episode 061- July 2019 “The Movie WAS the Crime“ 

This episode, hosts Thom 'Third Rail Design Lab' Chiaramonte, Kris ‘Deeply Dapper’ McClanahan and Blake ‘Begin Again’ Simmons talk Bad Times at the El Royale. Beyond be spoilers!

ROBOT KRAKEN is a MONTHLY podcast by two indie artists, Kristopher McClanahan of Deeply Dapper and Thom Chiaramonte of the Third Rail Design Lab. We get together and talk about comics, movies, working the table at comic cons, life in this nerdy wonderland, and whatever mumblings from the deep we come across. You can find out more about us, contact us or follow along our journey at robot-kraken.com

iTunes - http://bit.ly/RoboApple

Stream & Download - http://bit.ly/RoboDapper